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Covid-19 vaccine

The NHS is well-used to delivering millions of vaccines a year, and is moving quickly to roll out this vaccine to those who need it, but it’s important that we remember this will be a marathon, not a sprint.

The large increase in cases seen in hospitals, and the emergence of a new variant of the virus shows that we cannot let our guard down now. 

NHS staff are doing an incredible job to deliver what it is the largest vaccination programme in our history, at the same time as continuing to be there for everyone who needs care.

The public have an important part to play to help them do this:

  • Please attend your booked appointments at exactly the time you’re asked to, so that we can avoid lengthy queues;
  • and whether you have had your vaccine or not, please continue to follow all the guidance in place to control the virus and save lives.   

For further information about the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, please visit the .

Walk-in clinics

A number of COVID-19 vaccination clinics are taking place across our area. For further information about Covid-19 vaccine clinics, please visit the .